POUG 11-12.10.2024

On October 11-12, the new edition of the Legendary POUG Conference is coming.

For the first time, the venue is in Poznań, at the amazing Concordia Design location. POUG Conference has been known for years for attracting the biggest Oracle experts from around the world! And since this time we will have THREE parallel tracks, it has allowed us to prepare a top-quality AGENDA. Just to mention, once again, the Oracle legend, the one and only

Jonathan Lewis with his latest presentation "3 problems - 3 strategies"

that is, how to adjust the problem-solving strategy when we receive a complaint - The system is too slow :)

Martin Widlake - 5 Tips for Being a Top Expert

will reveal to us the secrets of how to become a TOP Expert. And looking at his rich experience, it’s unlikely to be just coach-speak, but something that can actually be useful in life.

Although it’s Martin, so you never know.

Dani Schnider - A Deep Dive View to the Performance of Views

a man with deep knowledge who can convey it in a simple and effective way, will guide us through the maze of views and their performance issues. Dani’s presentations are always practical, easy to translate into real-world practice, and immediately implementable!

Neil Chandler - Oracle Transactions - more than meets the eye

has prepared an in-depth look into the internals specifically for POUG. We will see how Oracle truly manages transactions. What could be surprising, commit/rollback. Boring, right? Not with Neil! We might be in for a big surprise! But knowing Neil, he’ll surely provide something to soothe the nerves.

Patrick Jolliffe - Journey to the Unknown - Everything about NULL in the Oracle Database

with another Oracle mystery. This time, we will tackle the enigma of the mysterious Null. Null always and everywhere causes problems. Perhaps with Patrick’s help, we will begin to understand the complex logic of Null’s behavior.

Bartosz Zieliński - Oracle Performance Troubleshooting - real cases

and something from our own backyard - Bartek will dissect real performance issues with us. We will get to know the symptoms of problems, follow Bartek’s thinking process and analysis paths to ultimately find a solution together.

And in this unbelievably distinguished group:

Monika Lewandowska - The big bind theory

we will peek into where the well-known and liked Bind Variables hide their secrets.

And this is just a few selected speakers, and only from the first day!

Full Agenda here: https://poug.org/edycja/poug2024/

Don’t wait, last year tickets sold out in July
